Establishing Adobe as a Partner for Small Business

Adobe approached SVA with the challenge of establishing it’s brand as an ideal partner for small businesses.
In a competitive pitch, we were tasked with creating a big idea and campaign solution that propels Adobe’s brand presence beyond the Creative Commons Suite to solidify it’s legacy in an expanding competitive landscape.

Audience Research
Campaign Strategy
Art Direction
Brand and Business Analysis



The Challenge- develop a big idea

Adobe is the industry leader with software products across filing, creative, and publication. While it has seen growth across creative industries and students, Adobe has failed to capture the fascination of Small Businesses due to a lack of awareness and a perceived learning curve.
The brief was to develop a fresh, breakthrough brand campaign that puts Adobe on the map as the must-have brand for small business success. The challenge was to create a big idea for the Adobe brand that builds lasting connections and establishes them as an invaluable partner beyond products.

Research and Insights

We conducted primary research to understand the aspirations, fears, and daily challenges of small business owners to identify a viable cohort within them. Instead of looking at the number of employees sought to identify a more compelling truth and sub-segment to hinge our campaign.

We observed the ongoing economic trend of the Great Resignation in 2021 where employees voluntarily resigned from their jobs en masse. We developed and introduce the client to ‘The Great Resignator’ - people who have quit corporate jobs and started working for themselves within the last two years.

Introducing “The Great Resignator”

The cultural undercurrents of the Pandemic had inadvertently created an audience of
new business owners.

The Tip of the Spear

Our research showed that this audience values their independence and seeks to create an impact within their own careers and communities by willing to bet on themselves.

By positioning the great resignation as the foot in the door to all small business owners we direct Adobe to focus on a stage of entrepreneurship where people are naturally seeking support and making thoughtful investments.

Make it,
with Adobe

Using a double entendre that Adobe can own we developed a tagline that highlights the shared ambition between Small business owners and
Adobe- An empowering partnership

Flipping an Achilles heel on its head

Our research revealed that the Adobe brand is perceived as serious and associated with a sharp learning curve- its status as an industry standard is also what makes it intimidating to new and potential users.

We developed copy that would stay true to Adobe’s legacy while reiterating their innovation in new easy software and their commitment to empowering business owners during an important phase of their careers.

Why Adobe is uniquely positioned to speak to The Great Resignators

Swipe through the Adobe origin story

Campaign- Make it Out of the Garage

This campaign taps into the aspirations of a new American reality using the storytelling of a classic American dream- making it out of the garage.
For those who have taken the leap to follow their dreams by starting small, Adobe is the partner that takes them into their future.
Empowering people to make it
out of the garage, cubicle, sketchbook, room or zoom. To make it from wherever they are to where they want to be.

Campaign Activations

We propose three broad areas for activation that utilized Adobe’s best assets and highlighted offerings that would differentiate it from cheap online software. Our research Insights revealed that to appeal to this audience who is strapped for time Adobe will have to make lasting commitments.

Social First Campaign- Featuring the real Great Resignators

Provide a dedicated social space for small businesses, a virtual hand forward and one-stop shop with tutorials, features and upcoming events.

This campaign helps Adobe make a gesture of good faith and lend their platform to deserving small business owners.

Appearing on social platforms and transit zones using localized data to highlight businesses in the local neighbourhood.

The Summit for Small Business

A brand new version of the original Summit by adobe - for small businesses.

A dedicated Summit for Small Business will speak volumes on Adobe’s ability to identify the nuanced needs of this audience.

The community building event with physical and virtual attendance will allow the company to gather crucial data to plan next steps within brand innovation.

Strategic Partnerships

he campaign and community building will be supported by strategic partnerships, which will strengthen the perception of Adobe’s commitment to this audience.

These brand activations will establish Adobe as the ideal investment for Small businesses.

By establishing itself as an empowering partner in the infancy of new business, Adobe will gain the loyalty of future solopreneurs, serial entrepreneurs, and neighborhood champions.


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